Michael Angelo, LMT

Massage therapist treating a client.


Throughout this site, you'll find information about what to expect, how I can help you, and other things you should know about my massage practice.  Thanks for visiting!


Benefits of Massage Therapy:

The following list comes from Milady's Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage© by Mark F. Beck:

1.) Stress and tensions are relieved.  With the relief of tension and stress, the client feels better able to cope with day-to-day situations.

2.) Mental and physical fatigue is relieved, leading to renewed energy and ambition.

3.) Pain in the shoulders, neck, and back (usually caused by strained muscles or irritated nerves) is relieved.

4.) Muscles and joints become more supple.  Soreness and stiffness are relieved.

5.) Muscle soreness from overexertion can be reduced or prevented.

6.) Circulation is improved, thus improving skin tone.

7.) Digestion, assimilation, and elimination are often improved.

8.) Facial massage tones the skin, helps prevent blemished skin, and softens fine lines.

9.) Headache and eyestrain are often relieved.

10.) Deep relaxation is induced and insomnia relieved.

11.) Muscular spasms are relieved.

12.) Obesity (overweight) and flabby muscles can be improved when combined with proper exercise and diet programs.

13.) Pain in joints, sprains, and poor circulation are relieved.

14.) Increase circulation of nourishing blood to the skin and other parts of the body encourages healing.

15.) Mental strain is reduced, resulting in better productivity.

16.) Mildly high blood pressure is temporarily reduced.

17.) Renewed sense of confidence and control is experienced.

18.) Constrictions and adhesions can be reduced or prevented as traumatized muscle tissue heals.

19.) Joint mobility can be increased.

This list, while by no means all encompassing, provides a well rounded idea of the main benefits derived from regular sessions of therapeutic massage.